Monday 3 March 2014

Office 2010 Toolkit 2.2.3

                        Office 2010 Toolkit 2.2.3

This is a set of tools and functions for managing licensing, deploying, and activating Office 2010. All output from these functions is displayed in the Information Console. All functions are run in the background and the GUI is disabled to prevent running multiple functions, as this could conflict or damage Office 2010. The Channel Switcher, AutoKMS Uninstaller, AutoRearm Uninstaller, Office Uninstaller and Product Key Checker work even if Office 2010 is not installed. For information about individual functions, read further below.

Download Office 2010 Toolkit 2.2.3 Software from blow link

Office 2010 Toolkit Functions

Office 2010 Toolkit 2.2.3Main Tab:
EZ-Activator: This is a universal and simple activator for Office 2010. It can use KMS activation even if you are using Retail License. EZ-Activator gathers information about your Office 2010 licensing status to provide the best method of activation. It can automatically attempt possible fixes in case of activation failure, and can reverse all changes in case of total failure.

Office 2010 Information: This states if Office 2010 is installed on your PC and whether it is 32 bit (x86), 64 bit (x64) or 32 bit running on 64 bit OS (x86-64). It will tell you if you have AutoKMS, AutoRearm, or IORRT installed.

Office Uninstaller: Run a script that will uninstall Microsoft Office if you can't manually remove it. Microsoft Office 2003 and later is supported.
Office 2010 Toolkit 2.2.3Activation Tab:
Office 2010 AutoKMS: AutoKMS is a scheduled task that will renew your 180 day KMS activation. Unlike other KMS activators, AutoKMS does not run 24/7 or only at the last minute with the hope it won't fail, and leaves no traces of itself other than a scheduled task and exe file. It only attempts to activate KMS licenses (which saves a lot of time if you have non-KMS licenses such as MAK or Retail active). It will run at startup and then every 24 hours and attempt KMS activation a set amount of times (the task schedule cannot be changed). The Install/Uninstall buttons are used to install or remove AutoKMS. AutoKMS cannot be installed alongside AutoRearm or timesurfer’s IORRT.

Office 2010 AutoKMS Custom Task: Replace the default AutoKMS Scheduled task with a custom one that won't be reset. You can customize the triggers the way you want in Task Scheduler.

Office 2010 AutoRearm: AutoRearm is a scheduled task that will allow you to use Office 2010 in grace period forever (It is a trial reset not an activator). It requires that you have at least 1 available rearm upon install. It works by taking a backup of your activation and restoring it when you run out of rearms. It runs on startup and then every 24 hours, and checks how many days left you have on your grace period (the task schedule cannot be changed). It will rearm if you have 5 or fewer days before your grace period expires. If the rearm fails because the count ran out (which is normal and inevitable), it restores the backup, which puts the count where it was upon install of AutoRearm. Because this grace period is likely expired, it then rearms (which is why at least 1 rearm is required). The backup will be restored upon uninstall reverting your PC to whatever state it would be in when you installed AutoRearm (though grace may be expired). AutoRearm cannot be installed alongside AutoKMS or timesurfer’s IORRT (which does the same thing as AutoRearm).
NOTE: Retail Office 2010 nags you for activation on startup. You can stop this by converting to VL and using KMS Product Key, which is done automatically by default.

Attempt Office 2010 Activation: This will attempt to activate any and all Office 2010 products. The Phone Activation will require you to enter a Confirmation ID which you get by calling Microsoft, but it will save it for later use.

Check Office 2010 Activation Status: This will display detailed information on Office 2010 activation including how many days you are licensed for, what Product Key and type of license you are using, and much more.

Rearm Office 2010: This resets the 30 day grace period that all Office 2010 products have. Rearm can be done up to 5 times. The available button will tell you how many rearms you have available.

Office 2010 Toolkit 2.2.3License Files Tab:
Install License: This will add the ability to use a Product Key for a certain Office 2010 product. You do not even need that Office 2010 product installed.
It will install a provided Product Key if available; else you will have to install your own product key with Key Manager after License Add succeeds. All the provided Retail Product Keys are trials or blacklisted but can be rearmed for temporary use. The provided VL Product Keys are KMS Product Keys.
EX: This can be used to use Professional Plus License on Standard.

This also lets you convert from Retail to VL. Set License Type to Volume and select the Office 2010 product that you want to convert to VL, then press Add. Vice Versa applies if you wish to convert VL to Retail.
NOTE: There are no VL versions of Home and Business, Home and Student, and Professional so convert them to Professional Plus.

Repair: This deletes all licensing information for Office 2010. This is meant to be used if your license details are corrupted or marked as tampered. This will force Office 2010 to repair itself and it will be in either Notifications Mode (VL) or Reduced-Functionality Mode (Retail).  You will probably not be able to rearm to get out. You will have to activate and can use KMS Activation. This is a last resort and should be used sparingly unless using EZ-Activator.
NOTE: When Office 2010 repairs itself, it restores licenses for what you have physically installed; any Licenses added/converted using License Add or EZ-Activator will not be restored.

Delete All Licenses: Deletes all files and information related to Microsoft Office 2010 licensing.
NOTE: This will leave Office in a broken state if it is installed.
Office 2010 Toolkit 2.2.3
Product Keys Tab:
Install: This will install a Product Key, using either a provided Product Key based upon your selection or a custom Product Key that you enter. A Product Key cannot be installed unless you have that License installed.

Uninstall: This will remove a Product Key, either removing the Product Key based upon your selection or a custom Product Key that you enter.

Check: This will give information on an Product Key, using either a provided Product Key based upon your selection or a custom Product Key that you enter. This information is what you would get from a PIDX checker.

Check KeyList: Checks all keys in KeyList.ini files in the same folder as Office 2010 Toolkit.exe
KeyList-Office2010.ini for Microsoft Office 2010
KeyList-MultiPoint2010.ini for MultiPoint Server 2010
KeyList-WindowsVista.ini for Windows Vista/Server 2008
KeyList-Windows7.ini for Windows 7/Server 2008 R2
KeyList-Windows7Embedded.ini for Windows 7 Embedded
KeyList-Windows7ThinPC.ini for Windows 7 Thin PC
Office 2010 Toolkit 2.2.3
License Backup Tab:
Backup: This saves your Office 2010 licensing information so it can be restored later. This information is machine and install specific, so it won't work after a reformat (without Restore Keys Option) and definitely won't work on different hardware. It saves the current state but does not stop the clock, so a 25 day old backup restored will be whatever days you had minus 25 when you took the backup. Backups are stored in subdirectories in a "Backups" folder that will be created in the same directory as the Office 2010 Toolkit executable using the name you entered.

Restore: Restores all of the information saved in a previous backup. It will take a temporary backup of your current state, delete your current state, and then restore the backup. If it fails to restore it will try to restore the temporary backup.

Save Keys Option: This records all your installed product keys to use a different type of Restore that can work after a reformat provided it’s the same hardware. If a product key cannot be determined automatically, you will be prompted for it manually.

Reinstall Keys Option: This is a type of Restore that can restore activation after a reformat. It only restores the Token Files and not the registry, so your Office 2010 licensing must not be marked as tampered. This does not restore rearm count (you will not change the rearm count with this), and is only recommended when restoring Retail/MAK activation that you could not otherwise reactivate (better to just reactivate otherwise). It restores the Token Files and reinstalls your keys (this cannot be used without saved Keys). If you are marked as tampered you can run a License Repair then use EZ-Activator to activate successfully, and then restore using this option.

Check KeyList: Checks all keys in Keys.ini for the backup you specify.

Restore Keys: Tries to reinstall saved Product Keys of a backup, but does not change licensing. Good if you backed up a MAK that has an installable key but you want to Phone Activate.

Office 2010 Toolkit 2.2.3
Customize Setup Tab:
Set Installer Path: Opens window so you can browse to the setup.exe for your office installer. You must have previously extracted the Office 2010 Installer somewhere (ISO files and self-extracting exe files not supported, you must extract yourself). If the installer is both 32 and 64 bit (has a setup.exe and x86 and x64 folders), browse inside one of those folders for setup.exe, convert that, then repeat for the other folder.

Extract Setup: If your Office 2010 installer is in ISO or Microsoft SFX EXE form, browse to it and choose a place to extract it, then the path to setup.exe will be determined.

Make ISO: Browse to setup.exe, and that folder will be added to an ISO. If you have a Dual-Architecture installer (32 and 64 bit), choosing the setup.exe alongside the x64/x86 folder(s) adds everything to the ISO. Entering x86 folder and choosing setup.exe creates an x86 only ISO, and vice versa for the x64 folder.

Run OCT: This runs Microsoft’s Office Customization Tool, which allows you to create MSP files that automate and customize Office 2010 setup. This is a powerful deployment tool but only works on VL editions. You create a MSP file for a product then put that MSP file in the Updates folder. This requires you have the Admin folder on the installer as well, so if you change a Retail installer to VL, the Admin folder is added so you can use OCT.
Change Channel: The product determined by your selection in the combo boxes will have its licensing channel changed. If the product is Retail, it will become VL. If the product is VL, it will become Retail. Press Convert for each selection that you want to change the licensing channel for. This will also add the Admin folder to your installer which allows you to use the Office Customization Tool

Add Updates: Browse to a downloaded update for Office 2010 and it will be integrated into the disc. Any update following Microsoft’s normal parameters can be integrated. This means you should be able to integrate Service Packs as well.

Add Language: Browse to a language pack for Office 2010 and integrate it into the Office 2010 installer. When you run Office 2010 setup, you will be able to use this language if more than one language is in the Office 2010 installer; otherwise the only language in the installer is used.

Remove Language: If multiple languages are in the Office 2010 installer, you can choose one to remove. You cannot remove a language if it’s the only one in the Office 2010 installer.
Download Office 2010 Toolkit 2.2.3 Software from blow link